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Carroll County Times Archive, 1911 - 2023
A service of Carroll County Public Library, Maryland

Who Created the Archive

The following organizations were instrumental in creating the Carroll County Times Archive

The Carroll County Public Library

The Carroll County Public Library has been storing the Carroll County Times in microfilm format for many years. While the microfilm has held up fairly well over the years, it is a deteriorating format that needed to be replaced. As many of our Westminster customers know, there is no index to the Carroll County Times which can mean hours of scanning through rolls of microfilm.

To provide our customers with a fully searchable archive of the Carroll County Times became a priority for the library, and in 2011 we applied for a Library Services and Technology Act grant to fund the project. This archive is the product of that grant and we hope that it serves the Carroll County Community for many years to come.

The Carroll County Times

The Carroll County Times has permitted CCPL to provide you with the full text of their historical newspapers. Without their generosity, we would not have been able to provide such a useful tool to the citizens of Carroll County. For the most current Carroll County Times articles, please visit their web site. We have included a history of the Carroll County Times on this site to provide you with more information about the newspaper and the company.

Division of Library Development and Services

The Maryland State Library awarded the Carroll County Public Library a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grant using Institute of Museum and Library Services funds to complete the scanning and digitization of the Carroll County Times microfilm. LSTA grants allow libraries to enhance their services in an effort to better meet the needs of their customers.

The Crowley Company

The Crowley Company was awarded the contract to scan and index the Carroll County Times microfilm. Located in Frederick County, MD, Crowley is a state-of-the art company that is a word leader in digital and analog document, book and film scanning and processing. They have completed projects for the Federal Government, Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution. Crowley will continue to help us with future additions to this web site.

The Enoch Pratt Free Library

The Pratt Library provided access to their Carroll County Times microfilm for the years 1933 through 1978. They were very gracious to let us borrow the collection for several weeks while The Crowley Company scanned and digitized the microfilm.

Historical Society of Carroll County

The The Historical Society of Carroll County provided access to their Carroll County Times microfilm for the years 1911 through 1933. They were very gracious to let us borrow the collection for a few weeks while The Crowley Company scanned and digitized the microfilm.